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Lord of the Rings Trilogy | The Two Towers

Lord of the Rings Trilogy | The Two Towers

KeyBank Discovery Theater
Imagination Station
1 Discovery Way
Toledo, OH 43604

Saturday, February 26, 2022 | 7 p.m.
The Two Towers
Frodo Baggins and the other members of the Fellowship are back and continue on their sacred quest to destroy the One Ring--but on separate paths. Their destinies lie at two towers--Orthanc Tower in Isengard, where the corrupt wizard Saruman awaits, and Sauron's fortress at Barad-dur, deep within the dark lands of Mordor.
The powerful music, the incredible battles, the unrelenting search and the daunting task of saving civilization – yes, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is on the GIANT screen in the KeyBank Discovery Theater.
February 19 | 7pm - Fellowship of the Ring
February 26 | 7pm - The Two Towers
March 5 | 7pm - The Return of the King.
Tickets are $10!
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