Savings Pass
Spend $15 to unlock over $150 in savings!
Embark on a journey of discovery and endless excitement with our attraction and activity-based savings pass, granting you access to a year-round adventure in the vibrant Glass City. Whether you’re a local, visitor, or future Toledoan, this savings pass is for you!
Gift a Savings Pass
Seeking the ideal gift for a friend, family member, colleague, or neighbor? Whether you’re commemorating a birthday, celebrating a holiday, extending a warm welcome to newcomers, or enhancing a visitor’s stay, your search ends here!
All proceeds benefit the Greater Toledo Community Foundation
When you purchase our savings pass, you’ll take pride in knowing that you’re not just saving money, but also making a meaningful difference in our community and supporting a cause worth celebrating.
Interested in purchasing passes in bulk for the perfect client gift, hotel package, or any other need? Reach out to Lexi at [email protected].

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About the Greater Toledo Community Foundation
Greater Toledo Community Foundation is a public charitable organization created by citizens of our community to enrich the quality of life for individuals and families in our area. In existence since 1973, the Foundation has more than 970 funds with assets of approximately $382 million. The Foundation provides philanthropic services for individuals, families, businesses and corporations to meet their charitable giving needs.
Community Builder and Community Impact grants:
Grants from the Community Builder and Impact funds support Toledo-area nonprofits in implementing new and innovative programs designed to enrich the quality of life for individuals and families in the region. Grant funded projects typically include collaborations of multiple charities to increase their impact on the community. An emphasis is placed on programs that create safe positive living environments, enable families to develop the skills needed to support and nurture each member and those that foster the development of responsible young people who are capable of achieving their fullest potential. Impact and Builder grants support a variety of services in the fields of education, social services, physical and mental health, neighborhood and urban affairs, natural resources and the arts.